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The Boys Brigade, Glasgow Battalion
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As a charity we rely on the donations from supporters to continue and develop our work. We would be delighted if you are able to make a donation towards the ongoing work and development of The Boys' Brigade in Glasgow and East Kilbride.

By text...

We are now able to accept donations through a new text giving platform where one-off or regular gifts can be made from a mobile phone.

* Your network provider will charge you your donation plus your standard SMS rate, this will be paid from your monthly bill or pay as you credit. You can only donate whole pounds. If you choose to donate monthly, you’ll receive a message with instructions on how you can stop your donation (text STOP to 70490) and a reminder via text every month to tell you your donation is about to be taken.

Give online...

We can accept one-off or regular donations through

Donate at Give.net
PayPal Logo

By post...

Cheques, payable to "The Boys' Brigade, Glasgow Battalion", can be sent to

The Boys' Brigade, Glasgow Battalion
Ibrox Parish Church
67 Clifford Street
G51 1QH

If you are a UK tax payer we can claim an extra 25% of your donation from HMRC, you can complete a Gift Aid form and return it with your donation.

By standing order...

If you'd like to make a donation on a regular (annual or monthly) basis by standing order please get in touch and we'll send you a Standing Order form which you complete and send to your bank.